omg - saw a sixth former today with (of all the bags) a Chloé 'Paddington'! I was so shocked to see it! At first I thought it was fake (as most things in my school are: bags, personalities, noses...*ahem* no, I'm only joking but I wouldn't be surprised if it were true!) But then I looked closely - I must have looked like a right weirdo - and I could see the logo and all the characteristics and I could just tell it was real. And it was in pink! Which I wouldn't go for if I had the choice but it was still fashion fabulous! So, it's my mate's b*day party tomorrow! Should be fun - sushi and cocktails (or should I say 'mocktails') and a sleepover (and a dress code :( - I own, like, one skirt!) but still I can't wait! Loving 'America's Next Top Model' atm - fabulous and bitchy - the way a programme should be! catch it (if you're in the UK) on Living TV at 9pm on Mondays! mwah! x♥x♥x♥x♥x♥x♥x♥x♥x♥xOh and btw - the diet junk food thingy? SOOOOOOOO didn't work lol - failed MISERABLY!! But I must get fitter and healthier for summer!
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