You know - i worked out that it would cost me over 1 1/2 years to save up for a Chloé 'Paddington bag :( ah well - i guess i can dream! i discovered the stella mccartney website tonight - her s/s '06 collection is really good but i hate those little scrolly things that automatically scroll down for you when you roll over them, grrr...so annoying! but the fab clothes sure make up for it! her shoes aen't that good this season in my opinion, but then, what would i know?! also, i was wondering is there actually an elle UK website? i can only find the american one that won't let me subscribe seeing as i'm in the wrong continent! grrr....also v.annoying! but i'd better love you and leave you for now cos it's rlly late (2:26am!!!!! - oops, i'm a bad girl!) ah well, *yawn* goodnight for now! x♥x♥x♥x