So.....anyone see America's Next Top Model finale?! (Bare with me all you Americans - this is England and cycle 5 has only just finished! Well, a week ago.) Even though I already knew who won by seeing the American ElleGirl Feb 2006 cover with Nicole on it before the thing actually finished (grrrr.....), I didn't know who was in the final until now. Now, I'm a pretty reasonable person and I've wanted Nic to win for a while now, so I couldn't believe it when she got to the final and I knew she wasn't going to win! I mean, I could understand it if it was Bre, but how in the hell did Nicole beat Nic???!! It's not that I don't like Nicole (she is a bit of a wuss though) but I think the judges were on something on that night because that is the most ludicrous thing I've ever heard! (As you can tell, this is a subject I feel very passionately about) but......phew......I'll get over it.......eventually........! ♥

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